Founding Director
Donald Moyer began practicing Iyengar yoga in 1971 and teaching in 1974. He founded The Yoga Room in 1978 and served as director for over thirty years. Donald studied extensively with B.K.S. Iyengar in India from 1976–1988 and continues to be deeply inspired by his method. He wrote the Asana column for Yoga Journal in 1987, 1989, and 1992. His two books, Yoga: Awakening the Inner Body (2006) and Yoga for Healthy Feet (2016), are available at The Yoga Room. (Author photo © David Martinez)
In Memory of Donald Moyer
Dear Friends:
I’m writing to let you know that my husband, Donald Moyer, died on November 7, 2019. I was with him. He passed gently and was well cared-for.
I am grateful to the staff and caregivers at Silverado and to his hospice team at Crossroads. I thank Margie Cohea, Margarita Nunez, Mark David Hayman-Martinez, Bonnie Maeda, and Gay White for their immeasurable support.
In lieu of cards and flowers, consider contributing to the Donald Moyer Memorial Yoga Scholarship Fund (through www.PayPal.com to info@yogaroomberkeley.com), or to Berkeley Rotary Endowment (www.berkeleyrotary.org), which funds scholarships, the Rotacare Clinic, and more.
With kindness,
Linda Cogozzo