Zoom links for online classes will be sent to you close to the Workshop date.
Yoga Anatomy II
with Mary Ann Furda
Mondays, Sept. 9 through Oct. 28 | 5:45 - 7:15 pm
8 classes / $265
We will study the major muscles of the spine, shoulders, arms and hands, pelvis, legs and feet. Prerequisite: Yoga Anatomy I or the equivalent.
Practice of Forward Bends
with Betsy Weiss
Tuesdays, Sept. 17 through Oct. 29 | 5:45 - 7:15 pm
7 classes / $232
This course will focus on sequencing and practicing seated forward bends. We will also learn how to modify poses to deal with limitations and injuries. Students will be asked to keep a journal of observations and insights.
Teaching of Backbends
with Mary Lou Weprin
Tuesdays, Sept. 10 through Oct. 29 | 5:45 - 7:15 pm
8 classes / $265
Starting with a basic understanding of movement theory in relation to backbends, we will explore when and how to introduce various poses, including special preparations, and the use of props and adjustments.
Teaching Practice Class
with Gay White
Wednesdays, Sept. 11 through Oct. 30 | 5:45 - 7:15 pm
8 classes / $265
Each week a different apprentice will teach an hour-long class. Written feedback will be requested from all class participants and assessed by the teacher moderating the class.
Early Risers Yoga Series
with certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Misia Denéa
Thursdays, Sept. 19 through Nov. 14 | 7:00 - 8:00 am
$222 (all levels / online only)
An early morning practice - yoga for stress reduction to rejuvenate the mind and body. Classes will include Asana and Pranayama to restore vitality and improve mental focus. This series is open to new and seasoned yoga practitioners. misiadenea@gmail.com
Buoying Your Bones Atop Your Breath:
A Healing & Restorative Workshop
with A. Ifátólú Gardner, MD, MPH, PhD
Sunday, September 22 | 1:00 - 4:00 pm
in-person only / $100
This workshop begins with a guided meditation (in savasanah), calming your mind & inviting more awareness of your body, bones, and breathing. From this inner quietude and spaciousness, you will be guided through a series of gentle movement patterns, learning ways to “effort” less, & “listen”- to your body & inner voice- more. As each movement session unfolds, we will invite our breath to soften & clarify more of our bones, opening a path for discovering how the waves of your breath can carry your bones - moving you simply with ease, grace and joy! .
DeepConnections Somatic Practice® is a unique practice developed by Ifátólú Gardner, and is an organic expression of her 35+ years as an Iyánífá (Ifá spiritual elder), physician and healer, dancer & yogini; 20+ years as a movement instructor; and more than a decade as a Feldenkrais practitioner. DeepConnections Somatic Practice® interweaves a variety of spiritually informed movement practices (yoga, Qi Gong, Dunham technique, etc) to cultivate & deepen your capacities of (inner) awareness. Guiding you on a journey of healing, restoration, and personal unfoldment, DeepConnections practice also facilitates neuro-muscular repatterning, promoting greater strength, flexibility, and ease of movement in all your activities. Any questions, please contact Ifátólú directly at deepconnections.2020@gmail.com.
Surya Namaskar
with Michael Lucy
Saturday, Oct. 5 | 2:00 - 5:00 pm
In this workshop we will review and practice the poses that make up the basic sequence of Surya Namaskar and learn ways of modifying it to make it accessible to people in different circumstances. We will look at how the basic Surya Namaskar can be expanded in a number of directions and how it fits within a larger category within Iyengar Yoga, called “jumpings.”
Michael Lucey is a certified Iyengar yoga teacher at the Senior Intermediate 1 level. Michael stumbled into an Iyengar yoga class in England in 1982, while he was a student at Oxford University. From his very first class he has been fascinated by the many ways yoga can transform your relation to your body, mind, and breath. He has also made 11 trips to India to study directly with the Iyengar family at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, most recently in December 2018. Michael is also a professor of Comparative Literature and French at the University of California, Berkeley, and served as President of the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States from 2014-2017.
Yoga for Osteoporosis | 2-Day Intensive
with Betty Aten
Saturday, Sept. 14 and Sunday Sept. 15 | 10:00 am - noon and 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
$64 for 2-hour classes / $224 for the whole intensive
Join me for the 2-day intensive offering an in-depth exploration of Yoga for Osteoporosis. You’ll get background information about how and why yoga is beneficial for bone health, plus learn how to practice safely when you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia. We will practice both Series 1 and Series 2 of the poses that are recommended for preventing bone loss and maintaining and improving bone health. In addition, there will be a session devoted to posture, balance and fall prevention, as falls are the leading cause of fractures.
Betty Aten traveled to New York City in 2016 to become the first Yoga for Osteoporosis certified teacher in Northern California. She taught Yoga for Bone Health classes at 4th Street Yoga until it closed, and now offers classes at her private studio, “just YOGA” in Berkeley. She teaches with precision, warmth and encouragement.